Schlagwort 'Neoliberalismus'

Neoliberale Forschung

Dienstag, 4. August 2015 - 06:32

Mit “An-Instituten” besorgen sich Arbeitgeber die von ihnen benötigten wissenschaftlichen “Erkenntnisse”. In diesem Zusammenhang fiel mir dieser Artikel auf:

STS (Science and Technology Studies) and Neoliberal Science (2010-09-28)
by Rebecca Lave, Philip Mirowski and Samuel Randalls
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In this special issue, we focus on the particular impacts of neoliberalism as a regime of scientific management. Drawing on a wide range of studies from other fields, as well as the four cases in this issue, we argue that while there are important differences in how neoliberalism has been implemented across nations and disciplines, there are a set of key principles and common outcomes that can serve a heuristic function for STS scholars attempting a more careful examination of neoliberalism. These common outcomes include: the rollback of public funding for universities; the separation of research and teaching missions, leading to rising numbers of temporary faculty; the dissolution of the scientific author; the narrowing of research agendas to focus on the needs of commercial actors; an increasing reliance on market take-up to adjudicate intellectual disputes; and the intense fortification of intellectual property in an attempt to commercialize knowledge, impeding the production and dissemination of science. Taken together, these shifts suggest that the impact of neoliberal science policy and management extends far beyond the patent system into the methods, organization, and content of science. We thus urge STS scholars to undertake a detailed exploration of exactly how the external political—economic forces of neoliberalism are transforming technoscience.

Keywords: commercialization, neoliberalism, political economy, privatization